The November 2012 issue of German Myself Magazine featured one page of my personal online shopping must-haves and gave me the possibility to be in charge of the layout.
Above you can see what I came up with. It is such an amazing feeling to spot it printed in the magazine on one whole page!

As an avid reader of Sandra’s Closet, you might recognize some of the pieces. Below, you can click on the tiny photos to be transferred directly to the outfit posts in which I am wearing them. There you can also find all information where to buy them.
Have a lovely day!
LoL, Sandra

Behind the 20th door of my advent calendar, I have a second chance for you to win the limited edition blogger T-shirt in collaboration with Closed. The first tee that you could win on Sandra’s Closet (click here for the previous post in which you can also see how I am wearing it) went to B. Young in the US. Congrats! Now, you have a second chance, Swiss Bolero magazine is raffling one off as well and it is the last day to enter HERE.

For all of you, who don’t want to rely on the contest, there are a few tees left in sizes M and XL, TO SHOP PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Thanks a lot to WadMag, Bolero, SI Style magazine and the Stil Magazine of NZZ am Sonntag for featuring my T-shirt!
LoL, Sandra

SI Style
NZZ am Sonntag – Stil Magazine – Nov 4, 2012