Believe in love, even if it is just the love for your new handbag and high heels… I am so thankful that I can follow my passion for fashion on a daily basis through my job, experience great moments and meet interesting new people on all my travels.
Here you see me leaving the Adlon hotel in Berlin during Fashion Week to attend the launch of the new coffee table book “Fashion Germany” in which I am also mentioned! All photos from the event will be coming up shortly…
My look: Tuxedo jacket by Balmain, twist-front silk-blend jacquard top by Chloé, leather and jersey leggings
by Givenchy, Paris leopard-print leather pumps and Classic Monogramme printed leather clutch, both by Saint Laurent, hinged cuff by Balenciaga, earrings by Chanel and Diorette ring by Dior Haute Joaillerie.
LoL, Sandra
Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht