Meet the face of GUCCI‘s newest fragrance BAMBOO: GAL GADOT. In 2004, the Israeli actress and model won the Miss Israel title and is known for her role as Gisele in The Fast and the Furious film series. She also stars as Wonder Woman in the upcoming movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice along with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Irons.
Gadot seems to be the epitome of a Wonder Woman as she is a wife, a mother of a 4-year-old girl and a successful businesswoman. She served for two years as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. Strong and beautiful, the same duality that Gucci Bamboo reflects. I met her in NYC for the launch of the new campaign.
Were you involved in the creative process of creating the fragrance? Or was it already finished?
I came to this beautiful result. It was already done. But before we shot the commercial, I really wanted to know what am I shooting. The moment I smelt it, I was so happy because it is just so good. It has all the right elements, it’s sexy and floral, but not too heavy. It’s sweet, but not too sweet and it’s fresh! I love it.
What is a bamboo for you? A strong wood or a weak plant?
It is both. It’s adjustable.
You seem to be a Wonder Woman. Model, actress, wife and mother in one. How do you accommodate all those tasks?
I just do it. I don’t sleep much.
How do you look so gorgeous when you don’t sleep a lot?
(Laughs) Two hours of hair and makeup. And I try to stay healthy. I work out a lot and eat good things. I keep my skin always clean before I go to bed. I try to wear light makeup and I drink a lot of water. And the most important I stay happy and positive.
You were in the Israeli army. How was that?
It’s mandatory in Israel. We all have to go, men do three years and women two. It was a good experience for me, I learnt a lot. It is not about you, it is about giving back to community which I find a beautiful thing. The discipline taught me a lot. You need to get up at 6 am, you run, you are on your legs constantly.
Did you learn how to use a weapon? Did this help you with your role as Wonder Woman?
Yes, of course, I learnt how to use a weapon. But it didn’t help me for Wonder Woman as she only uses a sword, a lasso and a shield.
In the commercial for Gucci Bamboo you are a multifaceted woman. In one scene, you are even fencing. Please tell us a little more about shooting the campaign.
Unfortunately, that is the only scene I couldn’t do myself due to my busy schedule. Art Director Fabien Baron came up with this beautiful vision how we wanted to promote this fragrance on the big screen and make people experience this perfume visually. It is basically a woman how is strong and powerful but at the same time she is feminine, sexy and elegant.
What is your first memory of a perfume?
I remember the first time I ever used a perfume. I sneaked in my mother’s bathroom and I just bathed myself in different scents. I was around 8 or 9 years old.
Do you ever worry about aging?
Not yet. I just had a discussion with my husband about the fact that women don’t age as good as men. And I was asking myself why. We try so hard to stay young, use all those facial creams and treatments. So I came to the fact that it is just nature. Once we cannot reproduce anymore, we start aging. But on the other side, there are so many older women today that are relevant, so strong and symbolize so many good things. I have four grey hairs already and I feel good about them. I don’t tear them out, I feel I earned them.
What makes you the most happy?
My family.
Do you have a role in mind you would like to play in the future?
I actually do, but it is kind of depressing. I would like to do a movie that deals with the Holocaust.
By whom do you get inspired?
By people who are optimistic, who are grateful for life, who are original and think outside of the box.
Israeli women have a special aura. Why is that?
We say what we think, there is no filter. Stylewise it is just affected by the weather. It is so hot we dress less.
Gal Gadot in three words.
Mother, wife and actress. Heart, smile and fruit.
Thank you, Gal, for this lovely interview!
To find out more about GUCCI BAMBOO, please click HERE for the previous post.
LoL, Sandra
Photos: Courtesy of Gucci and © Sandra Bauknecht