In order to prepare for the future, you need to unchain yourself from the strictures of the past. Let the past help and inform you; just don’t let it hold you back. Take control of your world to get your smile back. In terms of fashion, opt for different looks, mix and be creative until you find your match. As Sir Richard Branson once said: «You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.» For this outfit, I unchained myself from the rules and mixed and matched in all ways possible and I love the unexpected outcome.
My look: Eiderdown coat, and Viola floral-printed silk dress, both by Preen by Thornton Bregazzi, Le Chiquito mini leather tote by Jacquemus
, Studwrap leather pumps
by Valentino, leather bandana, leather belt, and hoop earrings, all by CHANEL.
LoL, Sandra
Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht