Last night, I had the pleasure to enjoy a talk hosted by Net-à-Porter’s Global Beauty Director Newby Hands, arguably one of the most qualified experts in the game, and Dr. Nigma Talib ND, a licensed naturopathic doctor based in Los Angeles, who is qualified to treat an array of health conditions such as allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, chronic fatigue and menopause. Furthermore, she is the author of the best selling book «Reverse the Signs of Ageing» and «Younger Skin Starts in the Gut».
To shop Dr. Nigma Talib’s books, click here please.
With over 15 years of experience in naturopathic practice, she is responsible for the radiant glow of some of Hollywood’s most famous faces, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Sienna Miller and Penelope Cruz. Based on the link between digestive health and premature ageing, her products target common skin concerns that are a result of our diet. Her passion for creating quality and science based supplements and skin care has reached consumers internationally and started in Net-à-Porter being one of the first pioneers to introduce vitamin supplements to the fashion industry.
For Nigma, it’s all about maintaining the right balance of good bacteria vs. bad bacteria that populate the gut. She explained that we have 100 trillions bacterias, good, bad and ugly ones. 70-80% of our immune system is in the gut. If it is unbalanced, we experience problems, such as bloating, constant chronic diseases, skin problems, fatigue and much more. Newby, who suffered from migraines before, told us that Nigma changed her life in only 36 hours.
Nigma’s daily tips:
– Eat slowly, never in front of a TV (try to chew a piece of bread very slowly and it will taste sweet because you break down the carbohydrates)
– Be 80% healthy and 20% you can cheat
– Take a probiotic (it is very important that the probiotic you take can survive the acidity of your stomach), collagen, Vitamin C, E, zink, and selenium (women in their 30s with thyroid problems mostly lack selenium).
– Stop eating salads at all, even for lunch. They are too hard to digest and don’t have a lot of nutrients. Opt for steamed vegetables, they are very good for your hormones, especially cauliflower, broccoli clean out your «dirty hormones».
– Especially in the cold season, your body needs warming food. Nigma even warms up her blueberries in the morning.
When you age, your stomach produces less acidity which can cause problems. Maintaining a healthy acid–alkaline balance means, that your blood levels should be alkaline, but your stomach acidy.
Your hormones are messengers. If they send the wrong message, you gain weight, you are moody or age prematurely. If your hormones go crazy in your late 30s or 40s, first make sure that your gut gets going. It will solve a lot of your problems.
Nigma explains: «Supplements are so helpful. I tested them on more than 1000 patients over so many years. They looked five years younger when they changed their diet and took them regularly.»
Nigma’s Vitamin C cocktail seems to be a true miracle product. Both, Newby and Nigma, were sipping this kind-of-looking-like-a-fancy-Bellini drink while talking. The sachet includes 1000mg of Vitamin C of which 90% will be absorbed by your body. This encourages collagen production and helps to get rid of dry skin. It will also boost your iron and energy levels (a little tip from Newby: take one sachet before going out and you will be in great form). Nigma’s Vitamin C supplement is not giving you diarrhea.
Something extremely interesting Nigma was explaining to us is that if you don’t drink enough water, you might be carving for sweets as the dehydration causes your sugar levels to sink. Too much sugar can cause skin sagging. It decreases the immune system because sugar sticks to collagen or the white blood cells.
Nigma divides the problems in different kind of faces:
The Dairy Face
– darkness under the eyes
– eye puffiness
– adult acne
Eliminate animal milk, and opt for nut milks with no sugar!
The Sugar Face
– sagging skin
– spots, pimples, redness
Too much sugar messes up the hormonal cycle.
The Gluten Face
– puffiness all over
– inflammation, redness
Like bread rises, your face gets puffy.
In terms of a healthy diet, Nigma recommends an ayurvedic lifestyle. Himalaya salt will help with your insulin levels. Look around your farmer’s market to find fresh and locally produced food. This in combination with the right supplements will improve your well-being in a short amount of time.
LoL, Sandra
Photos: © Dr. Nigma Stabil ND, © Net-à-Porter and © Sandra Bauknecht
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