Today’s post is dedicated to the cure – and I am not talking about the ’80s gothic band, I am talking about receiving new facial skin. For some, it might be a little bit too scientific but as I love medicinal topics so much, I went a little overboard.
Four weeks, four bottles – if Sisley has anything to do with it, that’s what it takes for visibly vibrant and renewed skin. For the first time, the French beauty brand has taken inspiration from research concerning the mechanisms of autophagy, which is the natural, regulated mechanism of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components. This has led to a product capable of reactivating the cells’ vital energy at its source to combat the consequences of time better than ever before and to fully restore the skin’s vitality.

How does it work? The skin is a living organ that is able to regenerate itself every month by drawing on the vital energy that runs through and fuels its cells daily. This vital energy allows the cells to protect themselves, adapt, correct internal dysfunction and to detoxify themselves. It is a treasure of immense value that protects the skin and reveals its beauty, radiance and youth.
However since skin cells are subject to the laws governing energy variation, they lose their ability to regenerate and restore themselves over the years and during intense periods of stress, environmental aggressions or hormonal changes. This leads to poorer function and the cells’ vital mechanisms are slowly damaged. Skin lacking in vital energy ages more quickly, becomes more marked and loses its natural radiance.

Sisley Research is now presenting a cutting-edge response to target the source of skin’s youth. Taking inspiration from a major medical discovery about the mitochondria (2016 Nobel Prize), Sisleÿa L’Intégral Anti-Âge La Cure is a four-week programme intended to restart the fundamental cell mechanisms one by one. Designed to be used mornings and evenings for four weeks, the skin’s quality and radiance is restored, transformed through deep and intense regeneration.

Let’s take a closer look at mitochondria, which are components found at the heart of skin cells. They are the predominant source of the cell’s energy and convert the substances ingested
through the diet into energy that can be used by the body.
1. Producing the necessary energy
Mitochondria perform a fundamental role in that they ensure proper cellular function by supplying cells with the energy they need to regenerate. But the mitochondria deteriorate as they experience stress and aging, thereby reducing the cell’s production of vital energy. This expedites the production of free radicals, which causes damage to the cells and therefore encourages premature aging of the skin.
2. Transporting and circulating energy
As dynamic structures, the mitochondria interact with each other to correctly transport vital energy deep within the cell. When this network is properly connected, the energy can circulate freely. However, the mitochondria fragment when damaged, leading to poor connections, reduced energy efficiency and poorly supplied cells.
3. Detoxifying and recycling by eliminating defective components
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine highlighted cells’ ability to trigger a process in which defective components destroy themselves. To stop the cell from becoming poisoned, the damaged mitochondria self-destroy. It therefore appears essential to promote the elimination of defective mitochondria to allow healthy cells to soak up energy and the skin to regenerate.

In conclusion, three essential mechanisms ensure that the mitochondria and the cell life cycle function correctly.
Sisleÿa La Cure has therefore been programmed to last the exact same time to restart the skin’s vital mechanisms and ensure a real upsurge in the results obtained.
Each week, each of the four bottles of the energy-saturated treatment unlocks the mechanisms that allow the skin to renew and regenerate itself by acting gradually to restore its quintessential youth potential.
Three actions:
1. Protection of the mitochondria
2. Reconnection of the mitochondrial network
3. Elimination of the damaged mitochondria

Four weeks:
By the end of week one, ‘Impulse‘ tackles tell-tale signs of fatigue.
‘Reset‘ works to diminish fine lines during week two, while softening and toning your complexion.
As the third week rolls around, ‘Consolidate‘ leaves your face and neck feeling smooth.
The last step, ‘Renaissance‘ creates a sensation of density and elasticity, adding a radiant, fresh glow.
Sisleÿa L’Intégral Anti-Âge La Cure is an exclusive anti-aging program designed to be used alone thanks to its innovative texture that transforms upon application.
One unique formula, four bottles, four weeks, four key stages, for visible benefits each week, until your skin is «reborn».
To shop the Sisleÿa L’Integral Anti-Age La Cure Set, click here please.

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Sisley Paris
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