chucks irma

Some of my avid readers know IRMA already from a previous post. This cute illustrated character is created by my friend Jasmin Khezri. We met first at Marie Claire magazine where she was the art director and I worked as a fashion editor.

Jasmin_Khezri_Sandra_BauknechtJasmin and I at the Chanel show last Tuesdayirma-kinderkunsthaus-mc3bcnchen

Can you imagine that it took Jasmin more than 7 years to develop IRMA’s look and style in a complete way. In the beginning, IRMA had big eyes and French-fries legs (well, she still has them but it’s because she has to run everywhere non-stop).


IRMA is an independent girl who is travelling everywhere in the world and this October sees the launch of her first shoe design. The legendary Converse Chucks are now available with an exclusive IRMA design from up-and-coming innovative online company


IRMA will continue her travels and bring you more beautiful things on your feet. Be amazed where she will take you….

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of IRMASWORLD and © Sandra Bauknecht