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Happy 18th Birthday to My Daughter!

Today is a very special day and this is probably my most private, most emotional and intimate post ever, my baby girl is all grown up. Eighteen years old! Where did the time go? You’ve blossomed into an astounding person, I am so proud of you and cannot wait to watch you continue to grow.

Anouk’s birth announcement – I made it a Marie Claire cover as I was workin there as a fashion editor at that time. Anouk’s birthday has a beautiful numerology: 04/04/2002 at 12:34pm.

Screaming, yelling, and hollering HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little doll – my Meusel. I love you so much. You have brought me so much joy over the years. You have taught me so much about life, about myself, and about being patient. You have taught me how to love unconditionally. You deserve the best, and I promise to do everything in my power to give you just that!

Whenever I could, I took Anouk with me to work.

My daughter is the mastermind behind most of my photos and we love to travel together. Like here where she shot me in the DMZ zone between North and South Korea in 2018.

As you turn eighteen in those troubled times I just want to say one thing to you – always cherish your friendships and never betray love that is true. I wish you the courage to grab all the opportunities that will come by you and I wish you the perseverance to live your life to the fullest.

Before you will move away for your studies to the US and I will become an empty nester, I promise we will do a big party for you! I will not only miss my daughter, but my best friend, my sport buddy, my best travel companion and my photographer :-). Not to speak of our hours of laughter and your delicious cheese cake. In love, your mummy!

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht