A virtual labyrinth of fantasy and reality is the set for Prada’s F/W 2012 campaign, photographed in New York by Steven Meisel. Models are arranged in careful poses in the futuristic enclosure, the precise angle of an arm and an elegant neck echoing the geometry of the scene. Shifting camera angles and an endless depth of field create a playful illusion of perspective and proportion, recalling the setting for a videogame.
Blocks of coordinated colour created by clothing, dip-dyed hair and furniture produce a chromatic architecture for our fashion avatars. Structure and play is reflected in clothes and accessories, where plexi and sequin embellishments are constructed to look like embroidery and flirtatious daisy appliqués are arranged into formal repeating motifs. Manmade linear furnishings in orange, purple and monochrome accentuate the gem-coloured prints of suiting and accessories.
So beautiful!
LoL, Sandra