Call me a fashion victim but I really do like my BALENCIAGA TRIPLE S SNEAKERS. They have grown on me. The chunky dad sneaker trend has been all the rave and it didn’t take long until it went to high fashion. Balenciaga was fast and responded to this craze by releasing the chunkiest and most dad-like sneaker ever. It is comfortable, has been copied and runs out as quickly as it gets restocked… TO SHOP A LARGE VARIETY OF THE TRIPLE S SNEAKER, CLICK HERE PLEASE.
My look: No Smoking print T-shirt by Saint Laurent, printed low-rise skinny jeans by Givenchy, quilted leather crossbody bag and Triple S sneakers, both by Balenciaga, and Audrey wayfarer sunglasses by Céline.
LoL, Sandra
Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht