Browsing through Instagram, I saw a picture of my dear friend Yasmin von Schlieffen, that gave me a big smile and made my day. On the photo, the Hamburg based owner of the PR agency «Mrs Politely» and mother of three boys wore a T-shirt reminiscent of the GUCCI TEE everyone is craving at the moment but instead of the iconic label it said MUTTI. (For my readers who don’t understand German, this is a word for mummy that you would use for an old-fashioned mum but in a kind of cute way – still my daughter is not allowed to use it and the same goes for me with my mum. If I called her Mutti, she would be freaking out. We call our German chancellor Angela Merkel «Mutti», I think now you finally got what I mean).
This T-shirt is a must for me. It is available at (E-mail:, Phone: +49 40 33450933, Address: Eppendorfer Weg 283
20251 Hamburg/Germany).
Yasmin’s look: «Mutti» Tee by Hello Love, jeans by Zara, pearl necklace by Gabriele Frantzen, shopper by Chanel, Y charm by Iphoria and Princetown embroidered slipper by Gucci. Let’s admit completely without Gucci is difficult these days :-).
To all the Muttis out there, have a lovely day!
LoL, Sandra
Photos: Via Instagram @yasmin_von_schlieffen and @hellolovehamburg