24 Wishes by Jani Leinonen

Experience the holiday magic by my dear friend Finnish artist Jani Leinonen at Dolder Grand Hotel, who has for the second time portrayed his idea of Christmas in a colossal art project for the Dolder Grand. For last year’s installation, click here please. Yesterday, I went to lunch with him in Zurich and heard all about this beautiful artwork.

Leinonen, who was born in Finland, has created a lighting installation consisting of stained glass windows, which will be on display in the Canvas Bar & Lounge from 1 December 2023, transforming the space into an arena of colours and patterns. «It’s probably the most beautiful work of art I’ve ever created», he says. And the most elaborate. «The making of stained glass windows is based on a complex technique that uses light to change the appearance of the space and can have a calming effect on the observer – both physically and emotionally. The history of stained glass windows is full of elaborated meanings that not only illustrate fundamental concepts of life – such as death, birth and the meaning of life – but also reflect the belief systems and power structures in our society.»


To give his pieces deeper meaning, Leinonen asked 24 people from around the world – including artists, authors, mothers and children – to write a personal letter to Father Christmas. «The letters lend each light cube a special meaning that encompasses not only joy, but also grief, loss and the hope for a better world», he adds. «We received letters from all over the world, including one from an Egyptian poet who has been in prison since 2018 because of his poems. There is also a letter from a Ukrainian artist called Olena, who had to leave her home because of the war. And a letter from Basil, who has been living in the Za’atari refugee camp in the Jordanian desert since war broke out in Syria in 2011

Got a very special message from Jani in the book.

All the letters have been compiled in a book, created in collaboration with designer Riikka Kuukka, the aim being to reflect what Santa Claus really means to us. But they also show how different people’s wishes or messages are. Jenni from the Arctic, for instance, wants winter to return. Ten-year-old Maya wants some money for piano lessons. Gina wants her brother back. «The letters are not at all what I was expecting», states Leinonen. «But they do show that, for many, this has not been an easy year – or decade.»

Jani Leinonen has assigned a letter to each of the cubes he has created. A new light cube illuminates every day, symbolising that this particular wish is to be fulfilled. To fulfil the wishes of people in need, the Dolder Grand sends Christmas greetings to its guests, customers and partners by digital means, donating the saved production and Christmas postage costs to Winterhilfe Schweiz. This aid organisation assists families, couples and individuals affected by – often invisible – poverty.

I absolutely recommend the pumpkin soup at the Canvas Bar & Lounge at the Dolder Grand.

The light show will be celebrated at 6 p.m. every day from 1 to 24 December 2023, accompanied by music and a Christmas aperitif for all those gathered in the Canvas Bar & Lounge.

And what does the artist himself want for Christmas? «On 24 December, I’d like all the light cubes to be lighting up the Dolder Grand in radiant colours, and for the wishes of those who have written the letters and read the book to come true. That’s my Christmas wish

Hyvää Joulua Maailmam upeimalle Sandralle!
Merry Christmas to the world’s most wonderful Sandra!

Thank you, Jani!

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht and Courtesy of The Dolder Grand #doldermoments
DISCLOSURE: We may earn commission from links on this page, but I only recommend products I love. Promise.

Amatista Christmas Market in Zurich

Do you remember my dear friend Nina? I have been writing several times about her in the past (for a previous post click here). Well I have great news for my Zurich based followers. Nina and the City (former Kids and the City) will be part at Amatista’s (a luxury concierge service) first Christmas Market at the Ballroom of the Dolder Grand on Saturday Dec 2nd, 2023 (from 2pm-9pm). Nina will be presenting as always fashion, accessories and lovely Christmas gift ideas.

The Amatista Christmas market will have tons of highlights, from specially curated art pieces, a caviar tasting, a champagne lounge, a pianist, a cigar stand (aka hubby parking spot) and much more. All in all 17 partners will be presenting their goodies at several booths.

However the top highlight will be the fashion show by Nina and the City presenting exclusively for Switzerland the first F/W 2023 collection from Nimo with Love. Behind Nimo with Love is Nicole Mohrmann, whom I have known for many years also from my time in Munich. She has spent years building lasting and trusting relationships with small workshops in India who embrace her vision of Nimo as becoming one big, global family, that creates beautiful things. The brand is committed to a culture and environment that is respectful, caring, nurturing and encouraging – and values creativity in all aspects.

Hand-sewn details, such as beads and embroidery, as opposed to glued-on, perfectly aligned stitches, made with thread that integrates perfectly in the design … The attention to detail asks for high-end craftsmanship. Nimo With Love works with small businesses who sew a heritage of artisanal expertise into each and every piece of the collection. Each garment is hand-made with passion. It takes a whole village to turn a beautiful fabric into a beautiful wearable textile!

Hope to see you all there … I’ll definitely be. I am also excited to see the newest holiday installation by my favorite Finish artist Jani Leinonen, that will be revealed on December 1, 2023.

RSVP on info@amatista.ch.
The Dolder Grand
Kurhausstrasse 65
8032 Zürich

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of Nina and the City, © Sandra Bauknecht / David Biedert Photography
DISCLOSURE: We may earn commission from links on this page, but I only recommend products I love. Promise.

My Look: Egg-Citing

Egg-citing news… In the Steinhalle of the Dolder Grand, you can find an impressive floral Easter egg made of real flowers. Last year, it was created by Finish artist Jani Leinonen. For more information, click here please. This year, it is inspired by Peter Shire’s «Big Sur» Sofa that you can also find in the hotel (see my previous outfit post here). You can admire the installation, which is made of 12.000 carnations, until the end of the Easter vacations.

My look: Pink double-breasted blazer, front-zip off-shoulder top, transparent-panel midi skirt, and ombré high-top sneakers, all by Alexander McQueen, crystal-embellished Hourglass tote bag by Balenciaga, and silver-tone crystal choker by Alessandra Rich.

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht / Attila / Dolder Grand
DISCLOSURE: We may earn commission from links on this page, but I only recommend products I love. Promise.

A Provocative Easter Egg at the Dolder Grand

This year, Jani Leinonen, a world-renowned artist, is responsible for the impressive floral Easter egg in the Steinhalle of the Dolder Grand. The installation «Seed in Their Pocket» can be enjoyed alongside it, whereby Leinonen implemented themes of current social issues for both the installation and the Easter egg design. The Finn has a long-standing relationship with the traditional Zurich hotel, which made this art coup possible.

Jani and the finished floral egg installation.

He is one of the most sought-after artists in the world and his works always captures the pulse of the times. The Finnish artist has recently completed a particularly special project for the Dolder Grand – he created the design for the annual 2.5-meter-high Easter egg, which can be enjoyed at the main entrance.

Decorated with over 12,000 carnations by the in-house florist team of four ladies over several days of craftsmanship, it bears the incomparable signature of the artist.

«When the Dolder Grand approached me with this Easter project, I was amazed by the fact that it was made of real flowers. These colourful and beautiful organisms are of great cultural importance,» says Leinonen.

Inside the Dolder Grand on display: «Chapel of Remorse» by Jani Leinonen.

120 famous works of art, including Dalí, Murakami and Tinguely, enhance the ambiance of the Dolder Grand. The Finnish artist’s works have been exhibited at the hotel since 2009, and there are currently six pieces on display. Getting the 44-year-old artist to design the Easter egg this year was a major coup, not least because Jani’s unmistakable style and his unique ability to create pieces that reflect societal issues in a provocative way have made him famous across the globe.

«I’m not particularly religious, but I live in a Christian culture and grew up with stories from the Bible,» says Leinonen.

For him, the story of Easter is one of the most fascinating. For Jani, Jesus’ last words on the cross are the most important aspect: Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

«These words are as relevant today as they ever were, as he says these words to the soldiers who are blindly following orders from their superiors.»

He therefore decided to bring across this message on the Easter egg with just a single word: FORGIVE.

The «Seeds in Their Pockets» installation is also on display alongside the egg. It comprises dried flowers the artist collected in war zones, each with a tag bearing the name of the country in which Leinonen found it. On the day Russia invaded the Ukraine, the Finn read a newspaper article and wrote a poem. It is the story of a Ukrainian woman who meets a Russian soldier and tells him to put sunflower seeds in his pocket so that flowers grow at the place where he dies. «For me, this is a really strong image of war. I discovered that flowers grow on many of the battlefields in these war-torn countries, and it’s mostly the national flowers of the countries

With lovely Christina (NewInZurich) and Laura (PR/TICULAR) at the lunch.

I had the pleasure to explore Jani’s works and the making of the installation life at the Dolder Grand this week, followed by a lovely luncheon on the terrace in the presence of the artist.

The egg installation will be on display until Wednesday, April 20, 2022.

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Dolder Grand and © Sandra Bauknecht
DISCLOSURE: We may earn commission from links on this page, but I only recommend products I love. Promise.

Jani Leinonen: Helsinki


The ones who have been following me for some time know that I am a big fan of the work of Finnish artist JANI LEINONEN. The 39 year-old shooting star plays with logos and symbols of the luxury goods industry.


In 2011, he became famous for kidnapping a Ronald McDonald statue from a McDonald’s restaurant in Helsinki and executing it later (for a previous post, click here please) to raise awareness for ethically produced food. Today, Jani shares his favorite spots of his home town with us. HELSINKI, a magical destination that seems to inspire the artist in many ways.


Your favourite city?
, because my friends live there. I think I would move to Siberia if I got my friends to move there. It´s a nice city with a heart beat, too but I think it´s the people and size that makes it.

Hotel Klaus k_Finland

Your favourite hotel?
There are many nice hotels in Helsinki, but HOTEL KLAUS K has these amazing art and suites that have been done by artists or designers.
Bulevardi 2-4, 00120 Helsinki, Phone: +358 20 7704700


Your favourite restaurant?
This is also a tricky question. There is a big restaurant boom in Helsinki right now. New amazing restaurants opening all the time. I cannot just say one. I say three, Finnjävel, BasBas and Favela.

FINNJÄVEL (see photo above) just opened with a crazy concept of making fine dine versions of traditional Finnish dishes. Also all the items in the restaurant, from wine glasses to knives and plates are designed by the Sotamaa siblings and produced by local craftspeople.
Eteläranta 16, 00130 Helsinki, Phone: +358 300 472 341


BASBAS (short for Baskeri ja Basso) has ingredient driven menu with small dishes and an amazing atmosphere.
Tehtaankatu 27-29, 00150 Helsinki, Phone: +358 50 4673400


Third is my local bar FAVELA. Despite it’s politically incorrect name it has the most amazing atmosphere in the city. You can go for a beer or have amazing dinner, or there you might not know which you end up doing because the people will grab you to join them.
Mechelininkatu, 00100 Helsinki, Phone: +358 10 2928090


Your favourite bar or nightclub?
I hardly ever go to clubs nowadays but NAVY JERRY’S usually rocks. There are also a lot pop up clubs in Helsinki nowadays. You just have to know where they pop up.
Hietaniemenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki, Phone: +358 45 1783868


Your favourite sightseeing spot?
Helsinki’s HIGHEST TOILET is worth checking. It is located in the HOTEL TORNI, which means tower in Finnish. Best view to the city.
Yrjönkatu 26, 00100 Helsinki, Phone: +358 20 1234604


Your favourite beach?
There are so many amazing beaches in Helsinki. Helsinki is a peninsula with tens of islands stuck to it. Some call it Venice of the North. So there are a lot of beaches. My three favourites are Hietsu, Eiranranta and Seurasaari.
The biggest in the city is HIETSU (official name is Hietaniemen rant, see photo above).
Hiekkarannantie 11, Helsinki, Phone: +358 9 310 71431


Right in the city is EIRANRANTA.
Eiranranta, 00150 Helsinki


The nudist beach in SEURASAARI (best architecture).
Seurasaari, Phone: +358 9 310 71493

Your favourite spa/sauna?
There are over 3 million saunas in Finland so this is a tricky question. I love the SAUNA SOCIETY on the island of LAUTTASAARI but there you have to be a member to get in. It has four smoke saunas and three wood heated saunas, right by the sea, about ten minutes from the center.
Vaskiniementie 10, 00200 Helsinki, Phone: +358 50 3724167


Another, new sauna is LÖYLY which just opened to HERNESAARENRANTA. Anyone can go, and it has both smoke and wood heated saunas and you can swim in the sea, so even the demanding ones are satisfied.
Hernesaarenranta 4, 00150 Helsinki, Phone: +358 9 6128 6550


There are also plenty of city saunas without swimming, like ARLA and HARJU.
Ara, Kaarlenkatu 15, 00510 Helsinki, Phone: +358 9 719218
Harju, Harjutorinkatu 1, 00500 Helsinki, Phone: +358 9 7531535


Your favourite piece of art in the city?
There is a nice piece by DENISE ZIEGLER called EPIGRAMS FOR PEDESTRIANS in the City of Helsinki. It is a bit difficult to find because it consists of 8 well lids with very interesting texts and aphorisms.


Your favourite museum?
As I am an artist it varies depending on the exhibitions. Top-3 in Helsinki is National gallery Kiasma, Helsinki Art Museum HAM and The Museum of Natural History.
Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki, Phone:+358 29 4500501


Aleksanterinkatu 16, 00170 Helsinki, Phone:+358 9 31036630


Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, 00100 Helsinki, Phone:+358 29 4128800


Your favourite shop?
Even thought I deal with multinational brands on my art I wish all shops would be small and selling ethical and ecological local products. Now that all commerce is going online. BUYMEONCE.COM really impressed me with the idea to sell only products that have a life-time guarantee.


Your must-have accessory?
and a SHEATH might always come handy for an artist. You never know when you have to start sculpting wood or cut.


The best soundtrack for this destination?
One of my favourite ever Finnish music albums is PALEFACE’S HELSINKI-SHANGRI-LA. It’s a perfect soundtrack as well.


The best book to read while being on vacation there?
‘s «Where Once We Walked» is novel where the main character is Helsinki. It tells an amazing story of the city and its citizens, how they have changed under the rule of first Sweden, then Russia and the independent Finland with civil and other wars and events.

Sandra_Bauknecht_Jani_leinonen_Art_in_the_Park_2016Jani Leinonen with me at the Art in the Park event at Baur au Lac last year.

Thank you, Jani, for sharing your insider scoop on Helsinki with us!

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of the different locations, via Helsinkiblog.de and likealocal.com
© Sandra Bauknecht

My Look: When Fashion Meets Art


Here is the outfit that I wore to the opening of Art in the Park at the Baur au Lac two weeks ago. It was a rainy day but it couldn’t stop me from wearing this colorful outfit that blended in with the exhibited art of Finish shootingstar Jani Leinonen perfectly. Isn’t it wonderful to see how fashion and art inspire each other in multiple ways.

My look: Cropped trench jacket and bowtie pasta and cameo clip earrings, both by Dolce & Gabbana, printed cotton-blend faille skirt, matching bustier topcigarette-inspired leather bag and iPhone caseiconall by Moschino, velvet bow booties by Miu Miu and Tonda 1950 Set Clarity watch by Parmigiani Fleurier.

LoL, Sandra



160185-opening_0723_Jani_Leinonen_Gigi_KRachtJani Leinonen with the host and inventor of Art in the Park Gigi Kracht.
















Photos: Courtesy of Art in the Park and © Sandra Bauknecht


Art Basel Pret a Diner-Sandra Bauknecht _bunte

During this year’s Art Basel, Annette Weber (Instyle), Sue Giers (Closed) & Jenny Falckenberg (Unique Art Concepts) invited me for a very special dining experience to Pret A Diner, a pop-up restaurant at the Elizabethan Church in Basel. Located in the heart of the Swiss city, this neo-Gothic church was transformed into a space of sensory excellence and we enjoyed the creations of Michelin-starred chef Tim Raue. The location reminded me a lot of the amazing dinner I had with Luisaviaroma at a church in Florence a year ago.

German magazine Bunte wrote about the evening and called me a style icon, thanks for that! If you like my look, please click here for the previous post with all the details.


Lovely Sue Giers (Closed) with me


The amazing location at the Elizabethan church




Old buddies: Sanjiv Singh (Lacoste), Fabien Mollet-Viéville (MelonDistrict) and my humble self.



A warm hug from Jenny Falckenberg



My German peers: Thorleif Griess-Nega (Instyle Men) and Inka Marnette (Instyle, Bunte)


Me with EVA & ADELE who claim to be a living artwork.

Sylvie fleury Art Basel

Speaking of which, I would like to show my two favourite masterpieces spotted at this year’s Art Basel: Sylvie Fleurie‘s “Kelly Bag” and Jani Leinonen‘s amazing art work which has been fascinating me since many years.

LoL, Sandra

Jani Leinonen_Art Basel

Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht

Shoe Liberation Army Takes Over

Minna Parikka-3

Finish shoe designer Minna Parikka and artist Jani Leinonen (For a previous post on Jani’s work, click here please.) collaborated on an art project filled with corporate mascots and shoes.

Minna Parikka-2
The duo created a space with an optical illusion covered with a print based on Jani Leinonen’s painting. The print also takes over 3 styles of Minna Parikka’s satin shoes that all have their place in the installation.

Minna Parikka-7

“Here the common and tacky commercial characters collide into the luxurious and abundant high heels. The battle between the classes has began.” the duo states.

The 3 styles of shoes are all numbered and signed in series of 25. “They are art and we can not control what do you do with them, frame them or wear them!” The pairs come in sizes 36-41 and are sold through Amos Anderson during ‘Boutique’ exhibition which is officially part of Helsinki World Design Capital Year.

Boutique – Where Art Meets Fashion until 12th of November at Amos Anderson art museum.

terry gaga parikka

Lady Gaga wears Minna Parikka’s bugs pumps on her European tour. See the original post by Terry Richardson on Terry’s Diary.

Gaga Parikka

Gaga is already familiar with Parikka’s creations as on her visit in Helsinki in October 2010, she received a double platinum award designed by the Finish shoe designer.

Minna Parikka1

Aren’t they amazing?! Check out Parikka’s website, it is truly worth it!

LoL, Sandra

Photos: © Terry Richardson and © Minna Parikka

Jani Leinonen and a Fashionable Tombstone

jani 1

IMG_2661This weekend, I went to see the exhibition of Jani Leinonen, one of my favourite artists, at Galerie Gmurzynska. The Finnish 33 year-old rising star presented nothing less than the kidnapping and execution of Ronald McDonald at Paradeplatz in Zurich.
„The Hamburger company’s advertising figure is a symbol of capitalism and also a clown. That’s what makes it interesting to me as an artist“, says Leinonen.


Jani was good for groundbreaking headlines in the beginning of this year when he and his friends calling themselves the „Food Liberation Army – FLA“ stole a Ronald McDonald statue from a McDonald’s restaurant in Helsinki.

In an Al Quaeda-style video, they staged the beheading of the famous symbol and tried to force the American chain to answer some questions about how it produces its products.  The fast food company refused any dialogue. The videos of the kidnapping were viewed more than 700,000 times on You Tube.

Leinonen, who definitely knows how to play the game, is nevertheless a true professional when it comes to markting himself. He even has bigger plans to set up a park full of Ronalds but McDonald’s refused to sell him the statues.

McLenin, Painted bronze, 2011
McLenin, Painted bronze, 2011
McBuddha, Acrylic on wodden sculpture, 2011
McBuddha, Acrylic on wodden sculpture, 2011

The charming guy from Helsinki took the idea of a funeral even further. Tombstones with iconic Louis Vuitton logo prints or the packaging of YSL Paris were placed in the beginning of the exhibition. I have to admit that I had never thought about how my tombstone should look like, assuming it will hopefully take a long time until it is needed, but I am absolutely tempted to have some logo print going on there.

Untitled (LV), Marble and gold, 2011
Untitled (LV), Marble and gold, 2011
Untitled (YSL), Black granite tombstone and gold leaf, 2010
Untitled (YSL), Black granite tombstone and gold leaf, 2010

Jani Leinonen talking to Andrea & Gigi Kracht

Jani Leinonen with hotelier Andrea Kracht and his wife Gigi, who exhibited his enormous cereal box installations last year at her famous Art in the Park event in the beautiful garden of the Baur au Lac.

Jani Leinonen with me
Jani Leinonen with me

Leinonen has three main objectives for his future: First, he wants to create a piece of art that will be stolen one day from a museum. Second, an artwork of his should be so good that it will get copied in Shanghai. And last but not least, he wants to become so famous that Damien Hirst’s mother knows him.

Pretty cool! And probably not so unlikely… I am better keeping the inscription he wrote for me. It might be worth a fortune one day.

LoL, Sandra

IMG_3029Photos: © Sandra Bauknecht

Fashion Meets Art

Fashion Meets Art

When Fashion meets Art, the outcome is mostly promising. Fashion is like art a medium for interpretation and expression. As for me, my body is my very own canvas that serves as a communication tool. Every day, I can express myself new and seek out what suits my personal taste. Clothing sends a message and communicates emotions. It can be your vision of the world.

Therefore the union between art and fashion is in particular very interesting. The possibilities are versatile. Miuccia Prada`s Fondazione Prada has supported many ambitious artists in their creative process and enjoys an international reputation in the art scene.

Supermodels become life models and pose for painters. Famous example is Lucian Freud`s portrait of a pregnant Kate Moss.

LV Fashion Meets art

Other luxury brands had famous artists contribute to their collections in particular.  The numerous successful collaborations between Louis Vuitton and artists like Takashi Murakami, Stephen Sprouse and Richard Prince serve as a good example and show the French house`s commitment to the arts.

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid, the Pritzker Price winning architect, who is known for her highly futuristic and curvaceous designs has joined many of those interesting projects as well.  She created the Icone Bag out of moulded plastic for Louis Vuitton and teamed up with Karl Lagerfeld for the 50th anniversary of the Chanel handbag to develop the Chanel Mobile art container, “a museum that can travel”. Her architectually inspired shoes for Melissa and jewelry for Swarovski have already become collectors`pieces.

Last week, it was a busy and important time for all art lovers as the 41th Art Basel took place. Before the opening of the famous art fair, I was very lucky to attend two amazing events in Zurich that inspired me to write this post.

Art in the Park

Art in the Park

First, the opening of the fifth annual “Art in the Park” outdoor exhibition that will go through August 1st, this time devoted to Pop Art. If you are living in Zurich, I truly recommend a visit to the beautiful garden of the hotel Baur au Lac where Gigi Kracht, the show`s creator and curator, shows in cooperation with Zurich`s Galerie Gmurzynska many impressive works, including the famous “Lucky Numbers One through Zero” by Robert Indiana, gigantic installations of cereal boxes with interesting insinuations by young and hyped Finish artist Jani Leinonen and sculptures by Allen Jones and Rotraut, the widow of Yves Klein and sister of Günther Ücker, just to name a few of the oustanding pieces. At the dinner I was sitting next to Jani Leinonen who gave me an impressive insight into his works and we had a great conversation about fashion and art.

Jani Leinonen next to his work

Jani Leinonen next to his work


Art in the Park`s curator Gigi Kracht with Rotraut to the left and Jani Leinonen to the right

Art in the Park`s curator Gigi Kracht with Rotraut to the left and Jani Leinonen to the right






Allen Jones in front of his sculpture

Allen Jones in front of his sculpture










Jani Leinonen with me in Prada in front of Zaha Hadid`s amazing installation



On Sunday, I saw Jani again when Galerie Gmurzynska opened the exhibition Zaha Hadid and Suprematism. Drawing on Zaha Hadid`s formative inspiration from the masters of the Russian Avant-garde, the famous architect both curated and designed this historical exhibition. I loved the unbelievable installation in which the exhibition is taking place. The works of the recently named one of the 100 Most Influential of People of 2010 by TIME Magazine come in a variety of mediums. Enjoy the photos. The exhibition at the Galerie Gmurzynska will go through September 30th.

Hadid Installation and Malevich

Hadid Installation and Malevich


Hadid Aussenaufnahme Galerie

Interior Design

Interior Design













Zaha Hadid at the exhibition with Chanel`s turquoise nail polish Nouvelle Vague on her toes. I wonder if she reads Sandra`s Closet?!

Zaha Hadid at the exhibition with Chanel`s turquoise nail polish Nouvelle Vague on her toes. I wonder if she reads Sandra`s Closet?!












At previews, I always love to observe what people are wearing. To borrow the cliché, Marni, Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garçons and Prada are loved by the art crowd. Said to be intellectual fashion.

As I just met Allen Jones, Jani Leinonen and Zaha Hadid, I got inspired by their works to put together some great oufits. Have a look below. I hope that you will like them.

LoL, Sandra

Fashion Meets Art 2

Zaha Hadid 2

Allen Jones

Jani Leinonen