Detox Deluxe: Vivamayr Maria Wörth

Personally speaking, I had never been a fan of detoxing. Until now. After one week at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth, my view has changed. And so has my life. It is not only a cure, it is a lifestyle. Sounds too dramatic? Only the truth but please see for yourself what happened in this one week in Austria.

When I booked my trip, I didn’t really pay attention to the location. Maria Wörth belongs to the Austrian state of Carinthia. The centre of the resort town is situated on a peninsula at the southern shore of the Wörthersee, where the detox resort is also located. It is just above the Slovenian border. There are many options to get to VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth from Zurich, by train (too many changes of trains), by plane (you can land in Klagenfurt for example and will be picked up from the airport) and by car. I chose the latter, almost 700 km, the route takes you via Munich, Salzburg to Maria Wörth. As the longest part of the trip is on the German autobahn, and as I drive a Porsche 911, I made it in 6.5 hours with one stop on the way at Burger King (not recommendable to eat this kind of food before detoxing, you will understand later why) to VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth.

Finding inner peace at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth

My goal was: «Take a break from my daily routine. Reduce my stress. Relax and unwind. Feel healthier.» That was exactly what I was looking for. But I had a second reason to go to VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth and that was my dear travel companion, my 17 year-old daughter Anouk. Being stressed with college applications, exams and the typical teenage problems, I observed her graving for unhealthy food, snacks and soft drinks. My maternal advice was unheard and made it even worse. I was convinced if she felt the change nutrition can have on the body and mind herself, she would become more aware of it and enjoy greater balance and health afterwards. And my plan worked out…

My room at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth and the view from my balcony.

On a Sunday morning in October 2019 during fall break, we drove all the way to VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth. Anouk was skeptical, totally scared she would be starving to death the next week. When we arrived, I was kind of unsure as well. From the outside, it looked more like a private hospital in concrete past the prime of its life than a five star hotel. Inside, it was quiet and we were greeted warm-heartedly by a lovely receptionist who handed us two glass bottles for water that we could carry around during the day. The style itself is quite Scandinavian, white tiles as well as light wood floors combined with natural fabrics in muted colors. Our room was spacious with a beautiful view on the lake.

The world’s most glamorous have been sneaking off to  VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth for dramatic health makeovers. While I was there, Chase Crawford had checked in.

I had read about VIVAMAYR before, supposedly the hottest health and weight loss destination in Europe. Let’s be frank, the world’s most glamorous have been there. Liz Hurley just left and Alber Elbaz, former Creative Director of Lanvin, is coming here yearly for a health makeover. While we were there, Gossip Girl star Chase Crawford had checked in together with German supermodel Anna Ewers. They had the table close to us in the dining room. Let’s be frank, if such a glam couple comes for their first trip together to VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth, it must be cool. At this point, my daughter was on board.

Karlie Kloss photographed by Mario Testing for Vogue UK at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth

VOGUE UK came all the way to Austria to shoot an amazing editorial with Karlie Kloss and Mario Testino at the famous detox resort. And then there is this fabulous book «The Viva Mayr Diet» by Dr. Harald Stossier, who directs the prestigious VIVAMAYR Medical Centre, and Helena Frith Powell, former serial dieter and author of «Two Lipsticks and a Lover», that promises 14 days to a flatter stomach and a younger you, even while having a glass of wine. Do I have your attention now?

Let me get you started with a sneak preview of facts every girl should know:
Agonising over water or wine at dinner? Make it wine every time!
• Stop eating on the move! Eating when you’re all stressed out is your no.1 enemy.
• Eat a cheese burger really slowly and it’ll be better for you than wolfing down an all-organic fancy salad.
• Never, ever skip breakfast! If you’re really that busy, drop dinner from your day instead.

Changing your lifestyle at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth…

After one week already at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth, my stomach that tends to be my week point felt amazingly well, no cramps or tensions, and my skin was absolutely glowing. I felt so good I have decided to incorporate certain things in my nutritional plan and make it my way of life. Let’s face it girls, you are what you eat. But what does the magic at VIVAMAYR?

Serhan Güven, Managing Director VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth, told me about the plans to renovate and built a new clinic next door that will focus on mental issues such as burn-out syndrome or depressions. Funny… I look like the doctor in my bathrobe.

Medical treatments developed by Dr. F.X. Mayr assume we can «become healthy, happy, and more efficient» by temporarily changing our normal diet. Regular (lifelong) fasting leads to greater health by observing specific dietary guidelines and changing eating habits. Every patient at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth is seen each day by a doctor. I had been assigned to Dr. Werner Zancolo, who explained me that the VIVAMAYR Principle was developed on the basis of modern Mayr medicine, based on the four principles of Rest, Cleanse, Train and Substitute with the goal of integrating and practicing each principle individually for a period of time. The reason why it is so successful and worked perfectly for me is that the dietary guidelines are combined with modern complementary procedures including Functional Myodiagnostics (A.K.) and Orthomolecular Medicine. Tuning into your health and well-being is a memorable experience of self-discovery. «Bring your health back to life» – this is the catchy slogan which is exactly what you are doing at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth.

Dr. Werner Zancolo performing a tummy massage followed by an Applied Kinesiology test, after which he determined that I was fructose-intolerant.

Once the great team of doctors have treated your condition, proper nutrition combined with exercise and improved mental awareness become the building blocks of your new life.

We arrived on a Sunday late afternoon and our first meal was dinner that is served between 6-7 pm. Everything at VIVAMAYR follows a strict schedule. You are asked to go to bed early pushing the button next to your night table to cut off all electricity that is said to lead to better sleep. In the beginning, it feels more like being in a health jail, than a detox deluxe.

The dining room where you have all your meals at VIVAMAYR Maria Woerth.

In the dining room, the so-called patients eat in silence, mainly dressed in white terry-cloth robes and matching slippers. A sign on each table showing a cell phone, an iPad and a computer, all with a thick red line through them, banned any form of technology or communication with the outside world. The focus should be on the act of chewing as this is an important part of the digestion. Therefore you always get a stale spelt bread. Mayr believed the staler the bread, the more you chew it, therefore the better it is for you. Who would have thought that masticating 40 times before swallowing could be so difficult? But there is method to this madness. Chewing slowly and intensively promotes the production of an enzyme called amylase which helps your gut digest your food more easily. Eat in peace and with pleasure, chew extensively in order to salivate the food well, and avoid raw food in the evening.

All day you can prepare yourself yummy herbal teas.

Very important at VIVAMAYR is that you keep cold liquids separate from mealtimes. You’re asked not to drink for half an hour before and after mealtimes. Something that you should be always doing in order not to dilute the digestive juices. The biggest meals are breakfast and lunch, dinner should be light and small. Something I cannot integrate in my lifestyle as supper is my biggest meal of the day for me also in terms of social aspects.

The food served is very satisfying, even that the portions are not so big. The intense chewing helps.

The nutrition plan is based on the principle of maintaining a healthy acidalkaline balance. For the optimal flow of all metabolic processes, a balanced ratio of acids and bases is important. It is also reasonable to ensure that the food is balanced when it comes to eating: less meat, fish, cheese, white bread, pasta, rice and sugar, but more vegetables, potatoes, mature local fruit and cold-pressed vegetable oils.

No need to suffer…

The transition phase at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth was extremely tough on me, less on my daughter. The deprivation of caffeine, alcohol and sugar lead to severe headaches. Something that the lovely team at the detox resort is familiar with. You can feel that your body is rebooting which also takes a lot of strength, makes you feel shaky, weak and extremely tired. All the energy goes to your gut that is the center of your health. If your digestive system works well, everything is in the flow. Patients start their morning in general at VIVAMAYR with instructions to drink a large dose of vile, bitter-tasting Epsom salts, which induces a significant bathroom visit. My daughter and I were prescribed the lighter version, magnesium citrate  to help cleanse our guts.

Fighting my back pain with the help of the Detensor spine traction decompression therapy device.

Be prepared that the way to a glowing complexion means being sallow-skinned, with enormous dark-purple circles under your eyes, and some break-outs at your chin. On the third day, I even had to have an IV with pain killers because also my lumbago all of a sudden became severe. Then your transformation begins, all of a sudden, as the week passed, the detox program became more pleasurable. Instead of pining to go home, I wanted to stay and feel even better. My energy levels rose, cellulite, which is a phenomenon of overacidification, my dear ladies, disappeared completely, my skin was glowing and I was in a great mood. Of course I was hooked and wanted to make the VIVAMAYR diet a way of life. And so was my daughter. Her teenage skin problems had diminished only in a few days, she felt less tired and less bloated.

One of my favorite treatments was the oxygen therapy where you «climb» the Mount Everest 5 times in 30 minutes in terms of the oxygen levels. While you do this, you build more blood cells and get more energized.

Be prepared that you will have extra costs due to additional treatments that I highly recommend, I loved the massages, detox foot bath, oxygen treatment and more… The more distraction you have, the easier it is to transition into your new lifestyle.

If you want to make a permanent dent into those belly rings or wobbly knees you’ve got to look a bit further into the future. The difference is that after you understood the concept you’ll be hooked, will have less pitfalls and it will feel normal to follow this regime as it is reaching for your lipstick.

Exercising is as important as your changing your nutrition.

Key facts that I have incorporated in my daily routine and that help me not to be bloated anymore:
 I stopped drinking Coke Zero at all. As your body tries to maintain the acid-alkaline balance, diet pop leaches the calcium out of bones, which can lead to osteoporosis. If you are toxic, you are consuming your own minerals.
• I take the VIVAMAYR alkaline powder on a daily basis which helps to reduce the overacidification of the body that we all most likely have.
• Instead of starting my day with three cappuccinos, I have two matcha teas. The reason for it is very obvious. In the morning our energy levels are high already, when we push them to extreme with caffeine, it has contra-productive effects. Saving the cup of coffee for the time when you are feeling drowsy after lunch, is much better for your health.
• I eliminated raw vegan regimes in the evening, salads only at lunch. The cold raw food is tough on the digestion. I feel so much better since then.
• A big step for me was changing my beloved Kinder chocolate bar in the morning for a healthy breakfast. I mostly eat porridge or fruits with yoghurt and walnuts.

My daughter has absolutely changed her eating habits, makes now healthier nutritional choices and exercises more. I couldn’t have wished for a better outcome.

So close from VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth: Lake Bled is one of the most picturesque spots to visit in Slovenia.

For those who get bored easily, there are plenty of options to do sportive activities or excursions, from Vienna to Klagenfurt, Lake Bled or Ljubljana. You can book them directly with the hotel. My daughter and I for example went one day to Slovenia that is only an hour away by car. VIVAMAYR packed us our lunch so that we didn’t mess up our strict diet. We had such a great time in Austria and will be back for sure this fall. Below you can find some more treatments that you shouldn’t miss…

I always made fun of my girlfriends who attend like pilgrims their respective cure at least once a year. Not anymore. I am a VIVAMAYRista now, too!

LoL, Sandra

So interesting: the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a commonly used method for estimating body composition, in particular body fat and muscle mass.

Don’t miss a bath in the Hydroxeur – this hydromassage bathtub with chromotherapy lamps is very relaxing.

Several treatments are designed to support the detoxifying process in your body, such as the full body mud wrap or the electrolysis footbath.

My highlight: a QMS Oxygen Facial that was sensational.

Don’t miss these four previous outfit posts, all shot at VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth:
VivamayrYou Can Do ItChill & RelaxGolden Fall

Photos in cover collage and of Karlie Kloss: Courtesy of VIVAMAYR Maria Wörth and © Vogue UK / Mario Testino, all other photos: © Sandra Bauknecht

Mario Testino for Wolford


When I saw Wolford‘s new advertising campaign shot by no other than Mario Testino, I was really impressed. The Austrian hosiery brand lives clearly a new spirit. Testino, who is one of the world’s most influential photographers, creates images, that evoke the essence of an emotive, self-confident femininity that is sensual and aesthetic whilst being stylish and provocative.


LoL, Sandra





Photos: Courtesy of Wolford

Win a Bottle of the New Signorina Eleganza

Salvatore Ferragamo-SignorinaEleganza

Salvatore Ferragamo has just launched a brand new fragrance SIGNORINA ELEGANZA that I know you are going to love. Elegance has always been a defining element for which the Florentine brand is famous worldwide. In tribute to this sophistication, the new luxurious fragrance celebrates feminine grace and seduction. At the end of this post, you have the chance to win a bottle… and to shop Salvatore Ferragamo online, please click HERE.

Salvatore Ferragamo Signorina Eleganza Bottle


Top notes: Pear and Grapefruit
Middle notes: Almond and Osmanthus
Base notes: White Leather and Patchouli

Available now as Eau de Parfum 30ml (CHF 75.00), 50ml (CHF 105.00) and 100ml (CHF 135.00), Shower Gel 200ml (CHF 43.00) and Body Lotion 200ml (CHF 51.00).

Anja Rubik-Salvatore Ferragamo-Signorina Eleganza

Anja Rubik is the face of the beautiful campaign shot by Mario Testino. The artistic and cinematographic behind the scenes images truly reflect the essence of Signorina Eleganza.

Behind the Scenes- Signorina Eleganza






Great news is that three of my lovely Swiss readers get the chance to win a 50ml bottle of the new Salvatore Ferragamo Signorina Eleganza Eau de Parfum. To participate in the contest, please send me an e-mail with your postal address and the header “Signorina Eleganza” to All entries must be received until March 3, 2014. No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this contest. By entering this contest, entrants accept and agree to be bound by these official rules. The winner has to have a Swiss address.

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of Salvatore Ferragamo

Lily Collins for Lancôme French Ballerine


Lily Collins is the face of Lancôme‘s Spring 2014 makeup collection FRENCH BALLERINE. Looking at her gorgeous brows, her beautiful complexion and her striking resemblance to Audrey Hepburn, it was only a matter of time before the actress and daughter of Phil Collins landed a beauty contract. And it couldn’t be a better fit as Lily’s grandmother, Jane Hale, was dancing en pointe professionally in the forties.


Her first campaign was lensed by Mario Testino. Lancôme‘s FRENCH BALLERINE features the most romantic products inspired by the pink satin ribbons sewn onto toe shoes. For every woman who ever dreamed of wearing a tutu.

Lancome Le Blush Highlighter French Ballerine

01 Rose Ballerine CHF 65.00

Lancome French Ballerine eyeshadows

D06 Rose Ballerine CHF 79.00

Lancôme Ombres Hypnose Dazzling

DO114 Topaze Dorée – DO215 Spinelle Rose CHF 48.00 each

Lancome Khol Hypnose Waterproof

07 Taupe CHF 36.00


010 Volumizer CHF 49.00
202 Mocha Queen – 302 Rose Oscar CHF 45.00 each


030 Undercoat Color Booster – 366 Rose Satin – 537N Pearl Grey CHF 26.00 each

This beautiful and romantic collection will hit the shelves this month in Switzerland.

LoL, Sandra


Photos: Courtesy of Lancôme

A Mediterranean Love Story

Dolce&Gabbana_Light Blue 13_Pour Homme&Pour Femme_Ad visual_low res

The Mediterranean love story of Dolce & Gabbana’s LIGHT BLUE fragrances returns with a fascinating new chapter. This time, the two lovers chart a new course, with Italian model Bianca Balti cast as a classic Mediterranean beauty who takes the lead in a game of seduction. She is irresistible to the gorgeous David Gandy.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are extremely proud of Light Blue’s legacy, which includes several fragrance awards. Light Blue was also featured in an exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York as one of the century’s most groundbreaking scents.

Dolce&Gabbana_Light Blue 13_Pour Femme_Ad visual_low res

Bianca Balti’s character portrays the Italian femme fatale in perfection.

Light Blue Pour Femme is available as EdT 50ml (€ 69), 100ml (€ 93), Shower Gel 200ml (€ 34), Body Cream 200ml (€ 36) and Deodorant Spray 150ml (€ 34).

Dolce&Gabbana_Light Blue 13_Pour Homme_Ad visual_low res

David Gandy celebrates his third Light Blue advertising campaign with this episode.

Light Blue Pour Homme is available as EdT 40ml (€ 49), 75ml (€ 61), 125ml (€ 86), Shower Gel 200ml (€ 28), Deodorant Spray 150ml (€ 28) and Deodorant Stick 75g (€ 28).

The advertising campaign features the glittering sapphire blue waters of Capri and was shot by Mario Testino. This time the imagery has a retro Mediterranean look, with Bianca dressed in a 50s style bikini of high-waisted briefs and a balcony bra, like the seaside fashion of Capri when Elizabeth Taylor and Jacqueline Kennedy holidayed there. The island has always been one of Italy’s most beautiful summer playgrounds and the backdrop to many great love affairs.

Below you can enjoy some exclusive behind the scenes shots. David and Bianca look so stunning together… I love it.

LoL, Sandra

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Photos: Courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana

Romeo Beckham Is the New Face of Burberry


Following in his famous parents’ fashionable footsteps, Romeo Beckham is the leading star of Burberry’s S/S 2013 ad campaign, shot by a friend of the family, Mario Testino. According to the MailOnline, the 10-year-old was on the campaign set without mum Victoria or dad David, and was accompanied by his nanny and security guards.


Burberry’s S/S 2013 collection is a bright and playful collection and along Romeo, there are some more beautiful faces starring in the new campaign: Cara Delevingne, Max Rendell, Charlotte Wiggins, Alex Dunstan, plus Charlie France and  Edie Campbell, who appear in the first campaign image, alongside the celebrity offspring, with all three of them wearing the British House’s iconic beige trench coats with check print lining.


“This season’s campaign lights up with the infectious energy of an amazing young cast of old and new Burberry family. Cara, Edie, Charlie and Alex are joined by Max and Romeo, who was a joy to work with and really stole the show. We had such fun shooting the campaign and I think that comes through in the images which really reflect the upbeat spirit of the collection.”
Burberry Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey

I like his cute happy grin!

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of Burberry

Laetitia Casta for Dolce & Gabbana Femme

imageLaetitia Casta Announcement

Dolce & Gabbana Fragrances unveils its newest face: the French model and actress, Laetitia Casta. Laetitia’s unparalleled beauty, sensuality and femininity brought her to the attention of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana who chose her to embody the Dolce & Gabbana woman for the launch of their newest fragrance Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme.

“Laetitia has always bewitched us with her sensual and natural charisma: she is the perfect interpretation of the Dolce&Gabbana woman of today.” says the famous designer duo.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana launched their first scent Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme in 1992 that marked the decade of the nineties. In 2012, the designers have decided to re-launch their rich floral perfume in a new version.

Dolce Gabbana pour femme

Top notes: Neroli, raspberry and tangerine
Heart notes: Jasmine and orange blossom
Base notes: Marshmallow, vanilla, sandalwood and heliotrope


The advertising campaign was shot by Mario Testino in Sicily with Laetitia Casta and Noah Mills. The fragrance is available from July 2012 – as 25, 50 and 100 ml Eau de Parfum for women.

LoL, Sandra

LCDOLCEPhotos: Courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana Fragrances

Burberry F/W 2012 Ad Campaign

1burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign featuring gabriella wilde and roo panes

Here are the photos from Burberry‘s F/W 2012 advertising campaign celebrating Britishness, London and the Burberry heritage of weather protection in the brand’s most cinematic shoot to date. The campaign was shot at night under the creative direction of Christopher Bailey by Mario Testino at the iconic Royal Naval College in Greenwich, London.

The very British cast, actress Gabriella Wilde and musician Roo Panes star in their first advertising campaign.

“We wanted to play with everything that’s at the heart of the Burberry world – celebrating our brand and London through imagery, film, music, weather and our iconic outerwear, all in a very poetic and British way. 
Using London as the backdrop, we shot the series of cinematic, emotive black and white images and short films with the incredibly talented Gabriella Wilde and Roo Panes, who effortlessly bring the campaign and our collections to life across all of our platforms.”

Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer

burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign featuring gabriella wilde and roo panes

3burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign featuring gabriella wilde and roo panes-1

I truly like the campaign and Burberry Prorsum’s F/W 2012 collection is absolutely divine. Same as in Versace’s F/W 2012 ad campaign, the mood is very dark for the next season.Very contrary to this colourful and vibrant summer.

Below you can enjoy some behind the scenes shots.

LoL, Sandra

behind the scenes at the burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign

roo panes and gabriella wilde behind the scenes at the burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign

gabriella wilde behind the scenes at the burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign

roo panes and gabriella wilde behind the scenes at the burberry autumn winter 2012 ad campaign-1Photos: © Copyright Burberry/Testino

New Fragrances for Fall 2011

Sensuous Nude.Model Shot.ExpiresDec2011

For F/W 2011, many new fragrances will or have already hit the market just recently. Today, I would like to give you a brief summary of what is worth getting your nose on. Enjoy!


SENSOUS NUDE – Oriental Floral

Sensuous Nude is a new version of the original perfume Sensuous from 2008 and a fragrance reminiscent of the summer due its beautiful coconut accord.

Top Notes: Bergamot, pink and black pepper and mandarin

Middle Notes: Lily of the Valley, jasmine, coconut water, white honey and musk

Base Notes: Sandalwood, vanilla, amber, helioptrope and woody notes (that were created with a new technology, so-called Melted Wood Nature Print, for a more natural scent experience)

Sensuous Nude EDP, 30ml (CHF 60), 50ml (CHF80), 100ml (CHF114)
Sensuous Nude
Body Veil – rich body cream 200ml (CHF 60)
Sensuous Nude Touch On Fragrance – light silky serum 10ml (CHF 54).

Advertising campaign was designed and executed by photographer Craig McDean, and advertising face is Brazilian model Isabeli Fontana, who posed on Californian beaches for this campaign (first photo on top). The fragrance is in stores now.

Violet Blonde Double Page AD

VIOLET BLONDE – Floral Woody Musk

Tom Ford has launched a new fragrance, named Violet Blonde which is based on powdery notes of violet and iris.

Top Notes: Violet leaf, pink pepper and Italian mandarin

Middle Notes: Tuscan iris absolute, Tuscan orris butter and jasmine

Base Notes: Musk, vetiver, suede, cedar and benzoin.

Tom Ford Violet Blonde EDP, 30ml (CHF 90), 50ml (CHF132), 100ml (CHF200)

Lara Stone was chosen to feature the campaign of the whole line that was shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. In stores in Switzerland Mid September 2011, in the US already available.


BURBERRY BODY – Chypre Fruity

Burberry Body is a feminine and effortlessly sensual fragrance with an eclectic combination of refined ingredients.

Top Notes: Green absinthe, peach and freesia

Middle Notes: Rose absolute, iris and sandalwood

Base Notes: Woody cashmeran, creamy vanilla, amber and musk.

Burberry Body is available in a wide range, featuring EdP Intense in different sizes, EdP in different sizes, Body Oil and Body Milk.

Supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley features in the new campaign shot by Mario Testino to promote the range, wearing nothing but a gold trench – and a few drops of the scent of course that is in stores now. 
The scent has so far been featured on Facebook, giving fans a chance to preview the scent. The page has had a staggering 8 million ‘likes’ as the brand continues to push the boundaries of digital media. The new fragrance is available since beginning of September.


PRADA CANDY – Oriental Vanilla

Prada has launched a new feminine perfume called Candy. As for me, this is the most surprising new scent on the market, very sweet , very girly and very unusual for the Italian brand.

Top Notes: Musk

Middle Notes: Benzoin

Base Notes: Caramel and vanilla.

Prada Candy EDP is available in three different sizes (30,50 and 80ml), with shower gel, body lotion and peeling.

The face is young French actress Léa Seydoux known for her role in The Beautiful Person (La Belle Personne) shot by Jean Paul Goud. Prada Candy is in stores now.



Versace started its perfume line inspired by crystals in 2004 with Crystal Noir, and then launched the lighter and fruitier Bright Crystal in 2006. In 2011, a new addition is presented, “a crystal that turns into a diamond”: Yellow Diamond, a transparent and airy floral scent.

Top Notes: Neroli, lmon, bergamot and pear sorbet

Middle Notes: Orange blossom, freesia, mimosa and water lily

Base Notes: Amber, musk and guaiac wood.

Versace Yellow Diamond is available as 50 and 90 ml EdT, with deodorant and body lotion.

The face of the campaign is Australian model Abbey Lee Kershaw, shot by Mario Testino in Paris.

Eau de Prep Sujet 4_300dpi


The Tommy Hilfiger Group is launching two new fragrances – Eau de Prep Tommy Girl and Eau de Prep Tommy (for men). The fragrances reflect the preppy lifestyle which means sporty yet elegant. Let me give you more facts about Eau de Prep Tommy Girl:

Top Notes: Pink peppercorn, green apple and pear

Middle Notes: White roses, violet and hawthorn

Base Notes: Sandalwood, patchouli and musk.

Eau de Prep Tommy Girl EdT, 30ml (CHF46), 50ml (CHF76), 100ml (CHF96)

The fragrances will launch in Switzerland starting October 24, 2011.


SISLEY EAU D’IKAR  for Men – Woody Aromatic

Let me introduce you to the first ever masculine fragrance from Sisley named Eau d’Ikar. The composition is based on the note of mastic, a Mediterranean tree that grows in Corsica where the d’Ordano family’s origins are. A wonderful new composition for men.

Top Notes: Mastic, bitter orange, bergamot, lemon and carrot seeds

Middle Notes: Mastic absolute, iris, jasmine, orange pekoe tea, reeds, leather, wood and spices

Base Notes: Green cistus, sandalwood and vetiver.

Eau d’Ikar EdT, 50ml (CHF90), 100ml (CHF145)

The artwork bottle, symbol of a myth revisited, was designed by Polish sculptor Bronislaw Krzysztof. The new fragrance will be available from October, 1, 2011.

Have fun exploring those new fragrances in real and stay tuned for more releases to come! My personal favourites are Sensous Nude and Eau de Prep Tommy Girl!

LoL, Sandra

Beautiful Charlotte Casiraghi

Cover Vogue FR

Princess Caroline of Monaco‘s daughter Charlotte Casiraghi graces the September 2011 issue of Vogue Paris. Photographed by Mario Testino, the twenty-page editorial features the stunning brunette in the must-have F/W 2011 pieces by the likes of Gucci, Balmain, Isabel Marant, Dior, Chanel, YSL, Versace and more. I have loved the photos so much that I wanted to share them with you. Isn’t she beautiful like her late grandmother Grace Kelly?

LoL, Sandra

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Charlotte 5

Charlotte 6

CharlottePhotos: Mario Testino for Vogue Paris