Sandra’s Closet Hit 40.000 Facebook Likes

40000Facebook Likes

OMG!!! Today, Sandra’s Closet hit 40.000 facebook likes which makes me so happy. In March 2012, Sandra’s Closet had 10.000 likes, so 30.000 fans in 5 months is pretty awesome.

Thank you for reading and following my blog that has taken me on such an exciting adventure!

If you are not a facebook fan yet, you can become one by clicking here.
Let’s hit the 50.000 soon…

LoL, Sandra

Sandra’s Closet Hit 10.000 Facebook Likes


Today, Sandra’s Closet hit 10.000 facebook likes which makes me very proud. If you are not a facebook fan yet, you can become one by clicking here.

Thank you for reading and following my blog that has taken me on a beautiful adventure and that makes me happy every day!

LoL, Sandra

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sandra’s Closet!

Happy 2nd Birthday

Today Sandra’s Closet celebrates its 2nd birthday! The last two years were filled with fashionable adventures and exciting moments. I truly enjoyed every single day! Thank you to all of you who are reading Sandra’s Closet on a daily basis. It means so much to me. Without you, my dear subscribers and avid readers in over 140 countries, the success wouldn’t have been possible.

This is my 775th post! And many more to come… stay tuned for some more giveaways to be posted soon!

Greetings from London!

LoL, Sandra

Happy Birthday, Sandra’s Closet!

Sandra's Closet

Today Sandra’s Closet celebrates its 1st birthday! For me an exciting year has passed filled with many adventures and fashionable stories. I met interesting people and got such wonderful feedback! I would love to take the chance to thank you for all your support and fidelity. Without you, my dear subsribers and readers in over 140 countries worldwide, the success would not have been possible.

Hermès Birkin BagWalking down memory lane, have a look at my first post about the Hermès Birkin bag one year ago. Over 300 articles have followed and many more are to come…

LoL, Sandra