Finally, I can tell you my exciting news why I am Berlin at the moment. I arrived yesterday for the shoot of the X’ campaign for Closed.
‘The X’ ,also associated with Closed’s innovative pocket design, is an ongoing campaign – first launched one year ago – that celebrates individualism and variety, creativity and location. Ten innovators in ten cities around the world comprise the talent pool for this debut campaign. Now you can understand my excitement, I am one of them.
Today, the fittings took place. Here you can get a sneak preview of what is coming for F/W 2011. The looks are ultracool, having a certain edge, perfect for everyday life. Stay tuned for more to be posted soon and in the meantime enjoy those photos.
LoL, Sandra
The mood board
Let the fittting start...
The chinos -
...Closed's bestsellers.
What looks best? Nina Zywietz (Closed) with stylist Emilie Johansson
Italian actor Michele Venitucci
L.A. based Eileen Peters in a stunning denim overall.
Closed owner Gordon and Closed menswear designer Vito
A true prep? Yale Breslin from N.Y.
Claude Serieux from Paris
Which colour should the pants for Mark Wiesmayr have?
This baseball jacket looks so good on Carla Fuentes Fuertes.
My first look: A chunky striped cardigan worn with a lace top and red pants.
My second look: A dress with a sweater top and a leather skirt, awesome combo.
Me in action
... taking all those photos.
What are these guys watching?
...the royal wedding livestreamed.
Bon appétit!